Monday, June 6, 2011
Hey everyone!

It has been over two years since I last posted on this blog. I can't believe I have taken such a long break! I'm not very good at blogging, but feel like I need to start over with it, and have a clean, fresh start. Everyone has been asking me when or if I am going to get back into photography, and as of right now...YES! The reason for the break with photography is pretty simple - life! We've been busy, had a baby(#2) moved a few times, husbands deployed, lack of baby sitter...list goes on. I don't have my website up right now, it is on a temp hold. I am going to re-activate very soon :) I am exited, I need to photograph more, I feel bored when I am not doing it all the time. Now when it comes to editing, I don't enjoy it as much, but the actual photographing, and interacting with people and families I do miss.

Like I said earlier I am going to have a fresh new start, it's time for a change. I don't think I am going to have as much time to do photo shoots as a business since I plan on going back to school, and being a full time mommy takes a lot as well. So I plan on booking only as many shoots as I have time for, which will still be good. I don't want to be like almost every other photographer I see, you know, the ones who have a "nice camera" and automatically think they are great, because I have been doing this for about 3 years off and on, have a nice camera, have had a decent amount of business, had some amazing clients, and learned so much...but, I have so much more to explore. The possibilities are endless when it comes to photography, and whether or not I do it as a business or fun, I plan on sticking to my style and see where it takes me!

I don't know how much longer we will be stationed on Oahu, so anyone who is interested in a session needs to contact me sooner then later, because like I said, i will be booking in advanced and only fitting as many as I can handle to my schedule! I can't wait for some business...!

And here's a little something to show off for this post.

My little cutie pies, Lilly & Claire on North Shore Oahu when we first got back to the island!

<3 JOY


Elle said...

Glad to see you have your blog back up!