I do love myself some Thai curry. And any other type of curry for that matter.

I went to the library and purchased this book:

I have been wanting to try and cook my own Thai curry since I am in love with it! I did'nt know it could be so easy :) I made a Green chicken curry, using green curry paste,chicken thigh, shallots,ginger,garlic,coconut milk,potatoes,sugar, and I think that's it but I could be forgeting something. I also served it with cococut rice.
Since being in Hawaii I can honestly say I have been more open minded about food then I would if I were still in Kansas city. I am so lucky to get some of the best Asian cuisine in the U.S. It was also really nice to cook a meal for Joe, I am so happy he made it back from Iraq safe and sound.
Since being in Hawaii I can honestly say I have been more open minded about food then I would if I were still in Kansas city. I am so lucky to get some of the best Asian cuisine in the U.S. It was also really nice to cook a meal for Joe, I am so happy he made it back from Iraq safe and sound.
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