My sunset girls

Friday, April 13, 2012
Some days I stop being lazy and get to the beach. Not nearly enough though. Yesterday, Joe was at work and I decided to take a nap, and when I woke I had the urge to be outside. It was a Lovely day! I have lived in Hawaii for a while and still feel overwhelmed by the beauty.
We drove to North Shore, stopping on the side of the road to get a picture of the mountains.. as soon as we arrived at one of our families favorite spots the girls where off into the sunset :)
They jumped, they climbed, they laughed, and they played until after dark. It made me happy to see them being sweet sisters. I need to do this more often, just sit back and enjoy the little things.



andrew & stacy said...

very sweet and from the <3 you brought a smile to my face!

imajoy27 said...

Thank you Stacy, and thanks for stopping by my blog :)