Chocolate Banana Bites

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Who loves chocolate? Me! I admit, I have a problem with chocolate and am trying to get it under control. It makes me happy though. It seems late at night I fight the urge to eat all the sweets in my house, some how or another I will eat chocolate,peanut butter or cookies. Last night this happened and I realized I had everything I needed to make these chocolate banana bites I found on Pinterest.
Anybody loves fruit dipped in chocolate, heck, anything would taste better dipped in chocolate :)
Enjoy a late night sweet, it's good for the soul.

Chocolate Banana bites

1/3 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup peanut butter
1-2 bananas (I did 1 1/2)
shredded coconut or sliced almonds(optional)

First, add your chocolate chips and peanut butter to a bowl.
Microwave the mix for about 1-2 minutes, stirring every once in a while.
Slice the bananas into bite sized pieces. Also set out a piece of parchment paper.
Once the chocolaty goodness is melted, dip each banana piece until covered.
Place the pieces of banana onto parchment paper.
Sprinkle coconut flakes over the top.
I personally like to set in the freezer for about 3o minutes just enough time to make them cold, but I don't like mine frozen so I don't keep them in the freezer.