Lilly turns five!!

Monday, August 13, 2012
Here she is, my Lilly. She has had a pretty good year I would say. Her daddy came home from Iraq, she went to preschool,started kindergarten, she made new friends but also said goodbye to some good friends, she cut her own hair, learned how to write her name,grew a ton, played with her sister a lot ,visited Kansas....... and well,it has been eventful.
It is amazing to watch your child grow into a little person, and really develop a personality. Some days she drives me wild, but at the end of the day she makes me smile.
 In her preschool class Mrs. Carol said she was a leader, but not in a bossy way. She said Lilly was a role model for the others. She makes me proud, it is great to know that when your child is not at home they are minding their manners. Now she isn't perfect at home, we struggle with her a lot. She has a mind of her own, and is very stubborn. Oh I can't wait until she is 13(NOT!!).
 Last year when she turned 4 I did a photo shoot and interview for Lilly, just for fun. I thought I should do it again this year :)
Here is how the interview went:
 Me: What is your favorite color?
 Lilly:PINK!(still pink like last year) 
Me:What is your favorite music artist/song?
 Lilly: Taylor Swift! Sparks Fly
 Me: What do you like about Hawaii? 
Lilly: Rainbows and mountains. 
Me: What are you exited to do when we move to Colorado soon? 
Lilly: Fishing, and killing animals to eat of course. (obviously Joe talks to her about hunting lol) 
Me: Who is your best buddy?
Lilly: Audrey <3>
Me: What is your favorite toy to play with?
Lilly's first response: Lip Gloss!!! (Thanks Nana, and Grandma Ginger)
Me: Anything else??

Lilly: Ya, my dalmatian stuffed animal.
Me: What are you exited about being 5 and this year?
Lilly: Going to Colorado on a plane and saying bye bye to Hawaii, and starting school in Colorado.
Me: What is your favorite show and movie?
Lilly: Arthur, Dinosaur Train and Aristocats!

Ok, I could keep asking questions but she couldn't sit still any longer.Here are her pictures I took. Can I say photo-genic!!! Seriously, she is so pretty! I love to watch her be her beautiful self.

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Unknown said...

Soooooooo beautiful! I can't believe how much she has grown!